Monday, March 9, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemonium and Y2K Frenzy Promoting Selfish and Crazed Behaviours

      As I have been hearing about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and watching as it is crippling the world economy and wreaking havoc with the stock market, as the media promotes fear and worry...... as people are exhibit crazed behaviors I have been wondering why people are so scared. I have read and heard many doctors say that while it is risky for some people, the elderly and immune compromised to get it,  many will not even know they have it and many people will recover. .  I understand that some people will die from it due to the complications that arise and I understand that there are those who are compromised because of this virus but not everyone who gets it is going to die. The statistics show that more people have died from the flu. However people are not freaking out when someone gets the flu. 

           So why the worry? Why the pandemonium?  Why are so many people literally freaking out? I really do not know. What I do believe is that this entire crazed behavior mirrors the frenzy that took place during Y2K. Remember that time when the year 2000 would make the computers crash and the entire world would shut down?  People were so scared, they were irrational and well, crazed.

     When I heard stores were running out of things like Clorox, wipes, hand sanitizer, water and of all things TP I wondered if it was really true. Could people really be hoarding again like in 1999?  I also wondered why TP? This virus does not cause digestive issues, are people so scared they think maybe their version might result in digestive issues?? I do not know and do not understand the hoarding, crazed behavior.

     I decided to go to Costco to check it out for myself and see if it was real, if people were that crazed and selfish.....I  also just needed TP.  I didn't need it because I am scared that I might run out if the world shuts is just time to buy it.

    The reports are true, Costco was  out. We went to Wal Mart and they were out of Clorox, sanitizer, wipes, water and TP.  I am just floored. First of all the pandemonium of it all is my mind...ridiculous. If people are quarantined then others can drop of TP and other supplies for them.... the virus is not digestive so they do not need that extra supply for any other reason than irrational hoarding.  

    My next thought was of the selfishness of those who are guilty of depleting the supplies. Iif they buy them all out what about the rest of the people who need them? What do we do? Just do without as far as the hoarding people are concerned I guess. Nothing really more to say than it is a very selfish act on the part of those who are depleting the supplies so no one else can buy them. 

    I saw a story where women were fighting over TP which is just mind blowing to me too. 

    Am I worried about getting COVID-19? I am not!  I am just as worried about getting a cold because I have a tendency to get pneumonia from a simple cold,  I am mostly concerned that I will be quarantined if I have a cough or cold which by the way folks is common this time of year. I am also scared of the  entire pandemonium frenzied selfish crazed behavior of the people in the world..(it is not just the US, it is all over the world). The behavior of people scares me more than COVID-19.

    Bottom line folks, wash your hands just like  you should have been doing all along, stay home if you are stick and don't freak out, all you are doing is fueling the fire of the frenzy. 

Here are a couple of very informational messages from the Surgeon General and Dr Drew.. 


Dr Drew on Coronavirus

Surgeon General Says Risk of Coronavirus Remains Low, Most People Will Not Need Hospitalization

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