Saturday, June 13, 2015

I Was Plagiarized: Time to Expose the Thief

     When you write an article, post or any piece of work online it belongs to you. That is a part of the intellectual property rights. It is very unnerving and infuriating to have some lazy piece of crap steal your hard work.

     I used to write for Yahoo Voices and they closed. I am now in the process of moving all of my pieces elsewhere but always check to make sure they are not still in the search database so I don't plagiarize myself. Yesterday I was checking on one of my pieces and when I googled the title I had a hit. But the piece was not written by me. Someone else had used my work on their page. I was furious.

     The thief messed with the wrong person though. I will not just sit still and let him have my work. I am reporting him to the US Copyright and then to Google. I know it isn't a huge deal and the post wasn't a huge one but I bet this person does not have one piece of original work on his blog. He stole mine word for word.



  1. I hate when people steal others work. No reason they can't be inspired by your content and come up with their own.

  2. Most likely they don't have talent of their own so have to steal.
