Sunday, October 22, 2023

Grief Over Selling Moms Treasures

    One of the hardest things I have had to face in the last couple of weeks was selling and giving away my moms things. She had so many things that she loved. They meant so much to her but yet I sold them for next to nothing or just gave them away. That is hard. I mean how do you put a price on a loved ones treasures? There is no price. To that person they were priceless.

     My mom and I had plans to get a place and put all of our things in our new place but that didn't happen. She left this world and I have to sell them because I don't have the room for her stuff nor do I need much of it. But how do you do that without feeling sad? I don't even know. All I know is that it is hard and the next step will be her personal belongings. Those will sell for even less and that is heartbreaking. 

    As I sold my moms furniture for next to nothing I felt guilty. I thought of how she would be saying; "we can get more than that" or "don't sell that, I love it."  She would for sure value those things for more than I sold them for. However to other people they do not have that same monetary value. 

    A week later I was thinking about the things I sold and gave away so easily and it hit me right in the gut how bad that makes me feel. I feel like I sold a piece of my precious mom. I know I didn't  but that is how I feel. I think of how much she loved her home, how proud she was of her home, how sad she was when she had to move and sell her home, then place all of her treasured things in storage. She spoke often of how much she missed her home and her things. It was sad then and sad now. 

    Then in a few days those items were gone. People came, they purchased for next to nothing and they left. I don't blame them, you don't want to pay much for used items but it still hurts to think of how much they meant to my mom and how she didn't get to enjoy them for 3 years. 

    Moving forward I have to remind myself that they are just things, I can't keep paying storage on them and she would be glad someone is enjoying them instead of having them sit in storage. That thought gives me some comfort as I feel sorrow over selling my moms things. 

   There are a few things, probably more than a few, that I will keep for a long time. They are things I just can't part with.  Hopefully when I am able to sell them it won't be quite the gut punch as it is now. 



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