My first thought was that this is nothing new, it has been this way for as long as I remember. Yes now days maybe more people split up but that is because it is easier to leave. Society as a whole does not promote monogamy and well, it isn't a shame to cheat and it isn't a shame to lie or split up anymore. It is partly a breakdown of moral values but that is a completely different blog...

My final thoughts on all of this is that some people just can't be happy, they expect perfection yet are not perfect themselves. They are just never happy with what they have. They always want something different, something better, something more, but they never find happiness. They want excitement but yet life is not always exciting, it actually can at times be rather dull. So they leave what they have and for a while it is exciting but then that ends and they are back to where they began, looking for something new.
So many people don't work at anything because it is just this viscous cycle that goes on and on and they just keep searching endlessly for the greener pasture only to find that the grass is not greener on the other side. It is all the same, just sometimes different shades of green.
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